Topic: Walking Tall


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hudz yaar!!

yahan pe aaj chaand raat hai. its 11am, and people expect 2 sight the moon 2night insha'allah!!

its a sunny day lekin BOHAT tund (cold)...

how is it in hayderabad!?!!

lol @ sanam's name. lol. isn't her real name zunaira?! i remember cause it rhymes with humaira!!

Posted 13 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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LOL. i thought u knew yas!? but i'll give u the short version of why i hate bollywood:

it all started when the late great NFAK's qawali ALLAH HOO was copied in one of their movies. i was pissed abt MAST QALANDER being copied b4 that, but it was all good UNTIL they copied ALLAH HOO...

then it just started after song.

secondly...the movies are simply not the same. as i'll be proving in my presentation...bollywood used to show indian culture. now they're trying WAY to much to be western, and slowly they're loosing their identity.

thirdly....i'm sure u remember ricky/springstepper?!!? he fueled my hatred also, but being anti-lollywood!! even tho me and him would have epic debates, and became somewhate friends (i even got him to watch chooriyan and some pakistani dramas)...his first impression left a sour taste in my mouth.    
Posted 13 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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hudz9 yaar...

lemme xplain...

i have absolutlely no problem with indians! as u read...i wished u a happy eid AND diwali! I respect indians, as long as they respect pakistan - which most of them do. so its all good!

haan yeh hai, ke i'm cold towards BOLLYWOOD and certain people who are associated with it!! there's many reasons for this. if u'd like 2 know them, simply say the word and i'll fill you in!

lekin keep in mind....i dont have ANY problem with indians in general or anybody from any country for that matter.

Posted 13 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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toronto's very unpredictable man....2 days ago it was like a spring day. today, it was cloudy and 2 degrees. no snow yet, but that'll change soon.

u live in a house yas? cause if u do, that means u gotta shovel the driveway, and most people hate that. lol. don't u?!
Posted 13 Nov 2004


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Habshi said:

Hi - I have not watched any Lollywood films before but after looking at the Actress gallery I am very interested in watching the best films by Saima, Noor or Sana. Can someone reccommend some of their best films which are available on DVD?


saima's a good actress. some of her best films include CHOORIYAN, MENDHI WALE HATH, DAKU RANI, and LARKI PUNJABAN, although the ladder is not yet out on dvd.

sana...not too big a fan of her's myself, but her best movie was YEH DIL AAPKA HUWA.

HOWEVER....let me suggest watching pakistani drama's instead! they're much better, and the actresses are also, MUCH better.
Posted 13 Nov 2004


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toba karo. lol. i'm lollywood thru and thru!!
Posted 13 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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hey now! finally a 4th person in our conversation!!

welcome hudz9...since ur in india, i'll wish u a happy diwali and an eid mubarik! i'm guessin' u'll be celebrating one of the two!

nothin new sanam jee. same ol same ol. just waitin' 4 eid!!!

can't wait 4 FUZON on geotv, and ary!!

Posted 13 Nov 2004


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thank you VERY much abrardh1.

an early EID MUBARIK 2 u 2!!
u've helped me out BIG TIME!! either i have not seen them yet or PTV, amd ARY have not aired the eid commercials at all (in us/canada)! so ur info has helped us out!

i hope 'HAVELI HANGAMA' on PTV Prime is similar to what they showed last year!! almost EVERY pakistani star was at this show @ some guy's house.
Posted 12 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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people r sayin' eid will be on sunday 4 us too!! i hope it is. i'm really lookin' 4ward 2 my presentation on monday. i wanna bash bollywood in front of an audience!!

very sad abt yasser arafat. i hate 'en israeli politicians who refused him his last wish (2 be burried next to the mosque in jerusalam) jackasses.
Posted 12 Nov 2004


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ok yaars. FINALLY finished watching chupke chupke.

all i can say abt it is.... lol.

that was the most awful drama i've seen so far. sorry! but thats my take on it.

the only good thing was that lady's acting...don't know her name but she played savera/rasheeda, and she was also in 'chahatein.' altho it got a little irritating...her acting was pretty funny. other than that...oh was a snooze fest. lol.
Posted 12 Nov 2004


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which actress from mehndi is in this drama?

amna hussain
amna haq
fiza ali
or ayesha khan?!!?!

ur answer will determine weather or not i watch this drama! lol (j/k)
Posted 12 Nov 2004


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thank u!
Posted 12 Nov 2004


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SALL said:

lollywood topic

i thought BB and Shareef next movie k hero heroine hein
movie ka naam,,   badmash pakistanis


Posted 12 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


Age: 125
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Canada, Canada me out here....

4 my presentation, i'm gonna compare bollywood's movies from the past to their current movies. the difference is, movies from the past showed their culture: song, dance, fancy indian clothes, arranged marriage etc. but recent movies are more western....less songs and dance, western clothes, love marriages etc.

i've decided to use the movie HUM DIL DE CHUKE SANAM...i'll use the scene where ash and salman get caught by ash's dad, and she tells her mom she's crazy abt him. she talks abt indian tradition and how ash and sal are goign against it.

to compare it, i'll show bollywood/hollywood...but which scene?? i haven't seen the movie. if u guys have seen it....lemme know if there's a marriage scene???

thanks yaars!

btw....yas....i couldnt get the movie u suggested. plus my group wants 2 use bollywood/hollywood.
Posted 11 Nov 2004


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what does it say???!!

translation please....
Posted 11 Nov 2004

Topic: Chubhan


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same here!! i watched most of it, but i missed the last episode.

srk should know what happend. he watched the drama too!

sadia was GREAT.
Posted 11 Nov 2004


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i hope they show SOMETHING new. anything!!
Posted 11 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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i dont mind presentations as long as i know what i'm talkin' abt. if i'm presenting on something that doesn't interest me....i suck. but otherwise, i don't mind 'em.

lol @ yas (brace face).

sanam jee i've never had braces. my dentist says i don't need them, so i'm cool. if u have 'em....don't worry....i won't make fun of u like yas. lol.

so its confirmed eh? sunday eid 4 ya'll?? this is not cool....what do i do??!!

if eid's on monday for us, school's outta the question, thats 4 sure. eid comes first. but wat abt my presentation on bollywood??!! u think i should go 4 an hour, and then come back?
Posted 11 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


Age: 125
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CRAP!!!! that means since u guys started fasting a day b4 us, our eid (canada) will be on monday probably. !!!!

i have a presentation on that day!!! lol

btw.....thanks sanam jee! ur catchin' on (yassER)!!
Posted 11 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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peeps.....5 more days till eid!!!! can't wait....

has the date been confirmed 4 u guys in the u.s.??

will it be a sat or sun eid??
Posted 10 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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sanam jee, thats yassER...not yasir!! lol ur confusing me. lol

Posted 10 Nov 2004


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Abrardh1 said:

Which channel did you see this on.

Also Humairas mother was a Naat Khawan.


She has 2-3 videos. 2 of the songs are Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan qawali's - who by the way, incase some of you don't know, was Humaira's ustaad!

Posted 09 Nov 2004


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thanks yaar!

so what did ptv prime claim they will air??
do u remember off the top of your head?
Posted 09 Nov 2004


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shaista said:

lekin humari age ke logon ke liye interesting banane ke liye music istemaal karte hain warna kaun sunta qawali, itne ziada naheen jitne ab sunte hain... aur france main to not muslims ne bhi ali ali par jhuuma hai...

in one way it's a good thing...

loog to kehte hain, logon ka kaam hai baatein karna...

agree 100%...

NFAK's intentions were good. he wanted to spread islam and he did, through qawali music. even tho he added western beats to God's name...he made people interested in islam - muslims and non muslims. whats wrong with that?? i myself am a prime example...i learned so much through his music. i hope the story abt his death was not true.
Posted 09 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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lol...a fobbish brown. lol

so how abt it sanam?! ur left....
Posted 09 Nov 2004


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wicked. thanks bro.
Posted 09 Nov 2004


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its a 20 minute presentation. me and my group have to depict cultural identity and the media's influence over it. we'll show an old clip, and then a new modern clip to show the difference.

india's media (bollywood) is heavily influenced by the west (hollywood). we were thinkin' of showing the movie hollywood/bollywood??

whats kyon abt??
Posted 09 Nov 2004


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second story....

i heard from my cousins that when the late great Nusrat Fateh Ali khan passed away in 1997......his tounge was stickin' out from his mouth, and it was so long, that it wrapped his upper body.

apparently the reason 4 this was that NFAK sang abt God in a confusing way?? or something like that...

i asked around and people say that its possible. they also say that this story was in the pakistani news???
Posted 09 Nov 2004


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mind if i share a story or 2?!

u think its real or what?

a while back (70's or 80's) someone tried to place a video camera in a dead person's grave to see what goes on in it. once the camera was in place, they began putting the body in the grave....but it wouldn't fit. so they tried a couple more times, before finally....the person was laid to rest. but when everyone started walking away (u know how ur not supposed to look back after you have burried someone??)....the grave exploded.

nobody knows if it was done by someone, or if the grave naturally exploded. what happends in there is NOBODY'S business but the angel's and God.

Posted 09 Nov 2004


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hmmm...fact or fiction???
i think its tru.

Posted 09 Nov 2004